Friday, February 20, 2009

Just felt like writing one...

This week everything caught up with me. I had been able to coast along -- doing as little homework and studying as possible. Then this week I had a ten page paper due, an industry analysis (that turned out to be twelve pages) and a four page paper due...luckily my professor moved our test that was supposed to be today to Monday.

So last night I veged. I watched Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Burn Notice (which I dvr'd) and America's Best Dance Crew (also dvr'd). Then I even read some of a book my friend gave me, it was fantastic! It was The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella (who also wrote Tales of a Shopaholic I a major motion picture).

Speaking of books, my friend gave me about five so I have soooo many to read: Something Borrowed Emily Griffin, Mansfield Park, Persuasion, The Boy next Door Meg Cabot, Every Boy's Got One Meg Cabot, Houston, We have a Problema Gwendalyn Zepeda, and Taken by Storm Tami Hoag. Sheeesh that'll keep me busy for quite some time. O and I have Accidental Mother also...don't want to forget that. Wow.

I have 78 days left until I graduate. And the closer it gets, the more it scares the shit out of me. I need to figure it all out and get my shit together or else it's going to be the middle of April and I'm trying to frantically find a job.

1 comment:

Naida Lee said...

i was pms-ing the other night and i watched Ugly Betty and CRIED! lol.
you find a job.. i'll find a school!. haha.. no.. i'm not financially able to go back to school yet. darn..