Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Quarter Life Crisis

Yes, the above title is true. According to my life coach, yes life coach, I am going through a quarter life crisis.

I am going to a life coach in Tulsa who is going to help me discover what it is that I'm passionate about, what I hate, what I love, what I'm good at, what I suck at, etc. It's going to be exciting! I am going to a 2-day aptitude testing in Dallas, TX soon (hopefully before my school starts in 2 weeks). My mom is going to accompany me, most likely. Should give me lots of information and detail!

I have changed my mind again for the billionth time! I am now a psychology major...I'm going back for a second degree and I'll graduate in May 2010. I'm only about 24 hours away from another degree in psychology so while I'm going to this life coach I figured that I should do something productive. Fortunately, I changed my classes from pre-med prerequisite classes before I took them and hated them. Unfortunately, I am stuck with a few lab manuals that I cannot return.

Did you know that 80% of your feeling cells are in your stomach?? Only 20% are in your head. Wow! I never knew that! But, now it definitely explains why I have so many stomach issues!

My life coach is also a psychotherapist and I can definitely say that I'm ready to be happy! I'm usually too embarassed to talk about this stuff, but I really hope that the therapy will help and I believe it will. And, that's all I'm going to say about that!

I'm enjoying the thunderstormy weather. When I was driving to Drug Warehouse earlier it was VERY windy...things were flying across the street! The outside temperature fell about 6 degrees in 10 minutes! Very weird.

O, on a side note, I think my car may be haunted for some reason. Either that or people keep getting in my car after I've locked it. I had my rearview mirror set so that I could see the street behind me. My sister and I parked at Drug Warehouse last week, I locked the car. We came back and the rearview mirror was on nightvision and was pointed down at Haley's seat so I could look into her eye's while she's sitting next to me. Neither Haley or I moved the mirror when we got in and out. It happened again today at TU. It wasn't on nightvision this time (which is manual btw), but it was pointed down slightly at Haley's seat. If I was hitting it with my purse it would knock it down towards my seat. SO...I don't really know what to make of this phenomenon but I definitely can't explain it. Haley was pretty freaked out poor thing! HAHA.

Ok, now that I've spooked myself all over again, I'm going to try and get some sound sleep! Tomorrow I meet with another advisor at TU to look over my new set of psychology classes, make sure I can get this second degree...and then I can finally buy the books! Then I'll be set...I have my parking permit, my new ID, I turned in my financial aid app. Almost set for school in two weeks! I'm kinda excited.

Well, Good Night and Signing Off.


luke said...

It's probably just the ball-and-socket joint is getting loose. Especially if it always drops towards the same general direction. No need to worry about ghosties.

FHL_Always said...

Well, it doesn't always drop in the same direction. Today it was toward my seat. But, I'm hoping that you're right!!!

Jeff said...

I'm excited for you. I think the life-coach is a great idea. I'm anxious to hear more.

Psychology is good. You will do well. You have so much to offer and so much talent. Whatever you do will be successful.

I believe in you.